Monday, May 18, 2020

National Security Council ( Nsc ), And Department Of Defense

ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW Name of the Organization: President, National Security Council (NSC), and Department of Defense (DoD) Components involved in the USS Mayaguez Incident, 12 Their Mission: President Ford outlined three objectives for the rescue of the USS 1) Basic recovery of the vessel and crew 2) Avoidance of hostage negotiations 3) Reinforce the United States through a display of force According to John Guilmartin in his book A Very Short War: The Mayaguez and the Battle of Koh Tang, priority was given to the first objective, which dictated the obligation of forces to the rescue attempt (1995). Size of the Organization: Directly, there were roughly 1000 personnel involved in the incident. Indirectly, the numbers could extend to include Cambodia and Vietnam, but we examine only the directly involved parties, most notably, the participating Department of Defense units and the Merchant Marines. Date of Incident: 12 Incident Summary: The Mayaguez Incident was a Presidential mission to recapture the U.S. Merchant Ship S.S. Mayaguez in international waters. The ship and its 39 crew were seized on May 12, 1975, off the coast of Cambodia by Khmer Rouge forces who approached the ship in gunboats. The Mayaguez crewmembers and ship were eventually repatriated, and the operation was hailed as a victory for the administration of President Gerald Ford as well as the Khmer Rouge. However, by the military directly involved in the action, itShow MoreRelatedThe Roles of The National Security Enterprise 1301 Words   |  5 PagesThe National Security Enterprise (NSE) is the overarching government apparatus responsible for national security decision making. This is generally thought of as the National Security Council (NSC) and the Department and Agencies they represent. 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